Coming Soon!

The 502nd Infantry Regiment is the only regiment in the 101st Airborne Division without an association. We plan to change that. For more information you can go to the 502nd Infantry Association Facebook group.

Berlin US Military Veterans Association (BUSMVA)

For veterans who served with the 502nd in Berlin, we’d like to let you know there is a sister organization: the Berlin US Military Veterans Association (BUSMVA). BUSMVA is holding its reunion in Berlin, Germany in the fall of 2024. BUSMVA is also working with the Berlin Checkpoint Charlie Foundation (started by Willie Brandt to keep the Berliner-US legacy alive). Each year BUSMVA puts together about 12 US Berlin Vets for the CCF “Welcome Home Program”. This program hosts the vets and tours Berlin (every inch -West and East) with them. CCF pays all lodging, Berlin city transportation, entrance fees, and food. Veterans pay to get to Berlin on their own. For more information, go to the BUSMVA website:

Checkpoint Charlie Welcome Home Program

Help Berliner’s and American Veterans remember and celebrate our legacy in Freedom (Freiheit)!  Berlin’s Checkpoint Charlie Foundation (CCF) has invited 12 US Berlin Veterans to participate in the “2024 Welcome Home Program”, from approximately 9 October 2024 to 16 October 2024.     CCF funds all in city tour food, lodging. Transportation, and entrance fees for the selected US Veterans.   Each Veteran funds and arranges their own travel to and from Berlin.  The Berlin US Military Veterans Association (BUSMVA  – Berlinveterans) helps facilitate this program but has no financial responsibility.   You can check out the Welcome Home tour program and all the incredible programs CCF supports to further the bond between the US and Berliners at

The Welcome Home Tour is a great opportunity to travel back to Berlin and revisit some of the familiar sites and many new ones. The draft of this year’s tour includes the Reichstag, US Embassy, Berlin House of Representatives, Clay Compound, Andrews Barracks, McNair Barracks, Outpost Theater, the Palace of Tears, Tempelhof Airport, and many others.  

Each of you will be an ambassador to Berliner’s, sharing our legacy of Freedom and your Berlin story!!!  There are several events that will require business attire (sport coat/suit with tie, women’s business attire) to include a visit to a German school to share your Berlin story.

Those accepted agree to get to Berlin and back home on their own (purchasing tickets, USAF Space Available, etc.).  Once there the Checkpoint Charlie Foundation pays all your necessary expenses including the hotel, all transportation to and from events on the itinerary, entrance fees, and even provides you a very generous per diem for the tour to cover your meals. Each of the tour events are for the participating veteran only (no spouses) and you are expected to fully participate in all events that are on the itinerary. It is important that if you are selected to attend that you come with an open mind and ready to share your experiences and learn from others and represent yourselves and your fellow veterans in the best manner possible.

You might also want to begin gathering things to show any groups you talk with that you still have from your Berlin service.  We can share ideas with you as the visit gets closer.  

Things to do NOW!!

Visit the BUSMVA Web site membership tab to join BUSMVA!!  (Berlinveterans, Once you join, go to the Reunion tab on this page which has the Welcome Home tour full description and requirements.  One of the requirements is to provide either a DD214 or Discharge Certificate indicating an Honorable discharge. (This will show your service in Berlin and award of the Army or Navy Occupation Medal for such service- yes we had Navy and Marines in various positions in the US Berlin Command!)

Let the BUSMVA Welcome Home Program coordinator know if you are interested!!!

Have in your possession/obtain a passport valid for six months beyond the end of the tour.  Currently only a valid passport issued in the 10 years prior to your visit and valid for six months after the end of your visit is all that is required for a stay of under 90 days.   

There is no longer a vaccination card requirement for entering Germany or returning to the USA.

There are forms to fill out and other information that I will need to collect from applicants who are selected, but for right now, it is important that I get names of attendees to secure the hotel reservation at the group rate.   

Start a good walking program – being able to walk 15,000 steps a day (about 5 miles over a day- not all at once) would describe the physicality.  I went on my tour with some folks in their 80s who trained for this and did great!!

If you are interested, please contact me at: 


Tim Fitzpatrick, BUSMVA Welcome Home Program Coordinator